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Residential Curb Address Painting
We can support anything you need to customize your curb
All curbs come with premium paint and clear-coat sealant.
Basic addresses are in Black and White while Custom themed curbs let you celebrate your favorite
o teams,
o schools,
o flags,
o military branch,
o etc...you name it!
Our industry-leading 2-year warranty provides peace of mind and our automatic renewal program will save you money while keeping your curb numbers looking great for many years to come!
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which curb address style ( Black numbers on White background or White numbers on Black background) best for visibility?
Answer: because we use highly reflective traffic striping paints with a clear coat sealant, either method will provide highly visible address numbers. Curb numbers with black background tend to reduce visibility of tire marks and dirt, keeping them cleaner looking for a longer period of time. All curb addresses are warranted for 2 years, though they tend to last much longer
Background choice is a matter of personal preference, and most customers tend to select an option similar to other homes in their neighborhood.
2. How long do curb address numbers typically last?
Answer: There are a number of factors that will affect the life of curb address numbers, including exposure to sunlight, precipitation, standing water, dirt & leaves, and the all too familiar occurrence of tires rubbing against the curb. Depending on the degree of these and other factors, curb address numbers typically last for 3-5 years or longer.
All curb addresses are warranted for 2 years against fading or chipping under normal weather conditions. To help provide for the longest potential life, we clean the curb prior to painting, apply 2 coats of the background paint, and finish off the address with a clear coat sealant.
3. How many sets of curb address numbers should I get?
Answer: This answer depends on the layout of your lot and your parking situation. For smaller lots with no street facing driveway, a single set of numbers will typically suffice, placed on the curb aligned to the entrance or at the end of the front walkway if one exists. If your home has a street facing driveway, the numbers are typically placed on the angled part of both sides of the driveway entrance, as this provides the best visibility for vehicles approaching from either direction. If the home has a circle driveway, the numbers are typically painted on both of the inside curbs, and in the case of larger lots, a 3rd set of numbers is often painted on the front curb in the center of the circle driveway as well.
Additional considerations include:
If the home has steps leading up to the entrance, a set of numbers painted on the steps can provide additional visibility to the address. This is particularly helpful if cars are typically parked along the front curb blocking the address numbers
For corner lots, adding a set of numbers on the corner is often done, or in the case where the driveway is on the cross street, numbers can be included at the driveway entrance as well, although in this case it is recommended that the street name be added to the address numbers to avoid confusion
Some city codes include a requirement to have numbers included at the rear of the home (i.e. on the alley). In these cases, numbers can be painted on a rear driveway, or we can also paint a custom reflective fence mounted address sign to satisfy city requirements. We recommend including the street name on all rear/alley address markings